
To create a daily pic of where the sun will set, I am using a 6000 pixel wide photo.

MP numbers are pics with images of that day.

The pos is where I will locate the 'sun' on that day.

Using picture publisher I will paste one of the mini suns and position it on the screen ctrl shift q, (using pixels)

x is the horzontal position and y the vertical. Y will be a constant.

If I used the same sun, it would appear to be a streak, but with different looks, not so much. Sun #  will be the sun I will use for each pic.

In january it moves left to right until june.. numbers increase then reverse until dec 20th and increase for 11 days. Not sure I have it on the button but it is where I am now.

The little suns will go above the top, the earth orbit lower left, all the green area can be used for any pics to match the days and events of the year.

Because they are 'layers' if they do overlap the map properties the layer priority will put them behind that info

Finally figured out the basic templet. It is composed of 365 photos. 

Through the year different month pics can be added at the top.

Weekly or special events can be pasted at the bottom right.

The direction (degrees/clock) the sun will appear at the top.
The location of the earth relative to the sun in the lower left.

The size of the templete must be a constant, so things will work together with future add ons.

I started by creating the earth orbit, it is a video it's self composed of 365 pics, that are pasted in the templet, alone are HERE, jerky but with speed and tricks it will work great.

Photo transparency.. (png/gif and photo programs have their own)
Each photo to be a transparency, meaning any kind of photos can be pasted to the green areas. When the transparancy is added it will cover everything except the green areas..

I named each pic MP001.JPG ... MP365.JPG. These to be stored where they can not be altared.
I can imagine other things that could be added. In other versions the prefix would be changed .. i.e. the days of the month could scroll with each photo, the earth tilt back and forth between the shortest and longest day of the year. Could be added in the top corners of the orbit.


My first year sun position video, began with just map pics, like this one 

This version will have photos of our turf through out the year along with photos of things that are going on, what to get into at our magic 'mountain'.


Through out centuries man has been looking up at the sky, worked on map equations their entire lives, calendars, many ..

Fun thoughts, seeing prez Trump changing the name of the Gulf. What were they thinking when they chose January 1st for a calendar mark?
Living on the top half of the earth the world standard for the first day of the year would be the longest day of the year, winter solstice. (Not sure how a transition could be made, unless they declared it.. this day will be.. ) While Donald might make lots of changes, this would be a leagcy as long as calendars were used on earth.

Leap year (extra day), why Febuary? In the year it is to take place, why not just add one more day at the end of December?


I did not account for leap year in my series of photos. Thinking it is the 58th day of the year, that pic being MP058.jpg
When the series of pics are loaded into a folder they will sort in order MP056.. MP057.JPG. 
Simply by adding a file MP057B.JPG, It would be a place for the extra day for leap year.


Dual sunset

Standing on our "mountain" pointing the camera in the center of where the sun sets on the winter and summer solstice.. Pointing that direction the sun will set on the left in the winter and right in the summer.

Doing a time lapse of the sunset on that day in the summer with the prefix solxxxA.jpg, winter solxxxB.jpg sol001A.jpg






Loaded in a movie maker program, they will sort every other solstice day of the year.

I will give it a try, but I think if they zoom by at the right speed, it will create a dual sunset video.

(If not a program can be created to paste half of one on the other)

Thinking both time lapse must start and end at the same time, using the same intervals.

Day of the year calendar Today day the 59th day, so there is a matching pic for this day.
To make pics sort in sequence each needs a 3 digit name.. mp001, mpo25, mp333
If I am froggy I hope to collect pictures to fill in the video. If not I have a few hundred I have taken over the last years.
Finding files taken the same month on my windows computer the search *.jpg datemodified:2/1/2023 ..2/28/2023
Just changing the years..
Using the Feb 28th templet, I found pics taking in feb the year before, pasted them, stretched them into the photo areas and pasted the feb28 png on top. 

.Actually a pic I took after dark and a family I see on Mt P :)
Top position(sun) of the sunset spot on this day.


I managed to create 365 png images I don't know if they can be used by others, like this one.
If so they can be pasted on any video product. The sun and orbit only takes those spots.
I could not copy and paste from here but could download it as a png and paste it, but it was much smaller.

Think I created 8 programs to get at my present pieces. Unlike most computer creations, one little thing out of place, missing then trying to find em.

2 CLS:OPEN"o",2,"bucket.txt"
4 COLOR 15,1 :P=470
100 REM ****** day 1 to 171 ********
102 FOR R=1 TO 171
104 P=P+30
106 REM ********* FILE NAME F$ ***************
108 S$=STR$(R):S$=MID$(S$,2,5)
110 S$="000"+S$:S$=RIGHT$(S$,3)
112 F$="MP"+S$:PRINT F$;"  ";
114 PRINT#2,F$;"  ";
116 REM ****** SCREEN POS S$ *******************
118 REM S$=STR$(P):
120 PRINT#2,"POS ";P;"  ";
124 REM ******* SUN ICON X ********************
126 X=X+1:PRINT#2,"SUN # ";X:IF X>4 THEN X=0
128 REM ********* COUNT OF DAYS SO FAR ******************
130 C=C+1:NEXT R
132 PRINT"days ";C:LINE INPUT Q$
134 PRINT#2,"":PRINT#2," 1 to 171 ":PRINT#2,""
136 REM *******************************************
195 REM ////////////////////////////////////////////
200 REM ****** day 172 to 354 ********
202 FOR R=172 TO 354
204 P=P-30
206 REM ********* FILE NAME F$ ***************
208 S$=STR$(R):S$=MID$(S$,2,5)
210 S$="000"+S$:S$=RIGHT$(S$,3)
212 F$="MP"+S$:PRINT F$;"  ";
214 PRINT#2,F$;"  ";
216 REM ****** SCREEN POS S$ *******************
218 REM S$=STR$(P):
220 PRINT#2,"POS ";P;"  ";
224 REM ******* SUN ICON X ********************
226 X=X+1:PRINT#2,"SUN # ";X:IF X>4 THEN X=0
228 REM ********* COUNT OF DAYS SO FAR ******************
230 C=C+1:NEXT R
232 PRINT"days ";C:LINE INPUT Q$
234 PRINT#2,"":PRINT#2," 172 to 354":PRINT#2,""
236 REM *******************************************
300 REM ****** day 355 TO 365  ********
302 FOR R=355 TO 365
304 P=P+30
306 REM ********* FILE NAME F$ ***************
308 S$=STR$(R):S$=MID$(S$,2,5)
310 S$="000"+S$:S$=RIGHT$(S$,3)
312 F$="MP"+S$:PRINT F$;"  ";
314 PRINT#2,F$;"  ";
316 REM ****** SCREEN POS S$ *******************
318 REM S$=STR$(P):
320 PRINT#2,"POS ";P;"  ";
324 REM ******* SUN ICON X ********************
326 X=X+1:PRINT#2,"SUN # ";X:IF X>4 THEN X=0
328 REM ********* COUNT OF DAYS SO FAR ******************
330 C=C+1:NEXT R
332 PRINT"days ";C:LINE INPUT Q$
334 PRINT#2,"":PRINT#2," 355 TO 365 ":PRINT#2,""
336 REM *******************************************
